Using ChatGPT to extract design concepts from stories 

Using ChatGPT to extract design concepts from stories 

Project | All projects ↗ Using ChatGPT to extract design concepts from stories  Tan, L. 2023. Using ChatGPT to extract design concepts from stories, in The 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers, London, United Kingdom, 29 November – 1...
Des(ai)gn Hackathon

Des(ai)gn Hackathon

Project | All projects ↗ Des(ai)gn Hackathon Details This project benefits design researchers and academics with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately best practices of using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in design. The flow-on...
Using GenAI to speculate future experiences

Using GenAI to speculate future experiences

Project | All projects ↗ Using GenAI to speculate future experiences Tan, L. 2023, November 30. Using Generative AI to speculate future experiences [Workshop], 7 Experiences Summit, Auckland, New Zealand. Details Discover how to use Generative AI to identify current...