Building team research targets and capacity in innovation hubs

Tan, L., Mesa, D., Thong, C., Mattila, P., Kocsis, A., Down, A., Lodewyckx, S. 2022. Building team research targets and capacity in innovation hubs, CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 6(2), 4–11. 


This study describes how a multidisciplinary team at an Australian university’s innovation hub developed their research targets and capacity. The process through which research teams establish their research targets and strategies for achieving them is often tacit, which makes process sharing challenging. Referencing Situated Learning Theory (Brown et al., 1989) and using the Design and Development Research (DDR) framework (Richey and Klein, 2007) we document the process of how researchers negotiate to develop team research targets in this study. Our workshop data suggests that if researchers want to leverage the research abilities of others in their team, their targets must remain flexible. Additionally, a range of individual and organisation hinderers, barriers and enablers of conducting research were identified, that can inform practical actions to realise research strategy targets for innovation hubs.

keywords: research capacity; research strategy; team research