Generative Minds: Design Therapy for Dementia’s Well-being

Tan L. 2024, August 23. Generative Minds Design Therapy for Dementia’s Well-Being [Presentation]. Centre for Design Innovation, Research Dragon’s Den, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.


According to the World Health Organisations, there are currently 55 million people living with dementia, and it is reported to increase 10 million every year.While there are significant efforts focused on managing the physical and medical aspects of Alzheimer’s and dementia, there is often a lack of emphasis on addressing the well-being of those living with the disease.

This intenvention research uses Generative AI tools to help individuals with Alzheimer’s (a type of Dementia) co-create meaningful visualisations of their memories and imaginations with their family members. Using design as therapy, this project shifts the emphasis from mental impairment to the power of imagination. Through workshop sessions with patients and their families, Generative Minds offers a new way to connect, inspire, and enhance the well-being of those navigating this challenging journey.

keywords: Generative AI; design as therapy; well-being