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Unknown Futures: What design can teach us about ambiguity

Tan, L. February 21, 2019. Unknown Futures: What design can teach us about ambiguity [Presentation]. Swinburne Design Factory Melbourne. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It is undeniable that technologies are replacing our workforces. Labour-intensive roles are gradually being replaced by technologies like robotics and machine learning algorithms. Knowledge workers are at risk too. Development in artificial intelligence and computing processing power are endangering roles once thought to be safe from the machines. Without a doubt, the future of work is yet to be set in stone. Perhaps, it will never be. With such uncertainties ahead of us, how can design make us future-ready? At its simplest level, the design process eliminates problems by developing solutions (design as problem-solving). At a more sophisticated level, the design process creates the opportunities for innovation and change (design as opportunity making). Yet, how do we continue operating at this level? Are we leveraging design enough to carve new opportunities out of uncertainties?
keywords: Design futures; ambiguity
- for: Swinburne Design Factory Melbourne
- year: February 2019